
Posted in Concept Tutorials Programming

FreeRTOS: ESP32 Deep Sleep

Learn how to get more battery life out of your projects.

Use your microcontroller’s deep sleep mode to lower power consumption!

The ESP32, a popular WiFi chip which runs FreeRTOS.
Posted in Concept Tutorials Programming

Taking Off The Training Wheels: FreeRTOS

In this new series of articles, we’ll show you how to level up from the Arduino.

Learn how to use FreeRTOS to write more powerful code for microcontrollers!

Posted in Project Guides

Iron Man Repulsors

Build an iron man style repulsor using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Neopixels!

Posted in Project Guides

Controllable Robotic Arm w/ CircuitPython

Microcontrollers. Python. United at last!

Learn how to use Circuit Python and make a funky little robot arm along the way.