Concept Tutorials

Learn the fundamentals of electronics, communications, and programming to get you ahead in the field of embedded development. In this category, you will learn the theory behind our electronic modules to the very last detail. You can order the tutorial materials with a single button on the sidebar.  Keep it rocking!

Shell commands with Python - Featured
Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

How to Execute Shell Commands Using Python

Python is a popular choice for shell scripting and task automation that even Google uses Python in its online courses for Automation. It is also…

GPIO Raspberry Pi Using Python
Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

How to Control the Raspberry Pi GPIO using Python

Another popular feature of the Raspberry Pi is its ability to interact with a wide range of electronic components, and the easiest way to do…

Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

How to Control the Raspberry Pi GPIO using C

A low-level language like C is more efficient in programming microcontrollers because it is closer to machine language. In this tutorial, you will learn how…

Introduction to Python - Featured
Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

Introduction to Python Using Raspberry Pi

What is Python? Python is the official programming language of the Raspberry Pi. It is known for its two unique characteristics: cross-platform compatibility and easy-to-understand…

Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

How to Control the Raspberry Pi Remotely

In networking, learning how to control a computer from a distance is akin to a baby’s first steps. It’s the father of the skills a…

Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

Automating Shell Scripts and Python Programs Using CRON

There are a couple of reasons you may want to configure the Pi to start programs automatically. And honestly, a lot of projects need you…

Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

Getting Comfortable with Linux Text Editors

A text editor is a software that writes and edits simple text. They are useful for uncomplicated writing and word processing. Some of their applications…

Posted in Concept Tutorials Programming

File Permissions on Linux

The Debian-based Raspberry Pi OS is a multi-user operating system. This makes it easier for developers to collaborate with a project. However, it comes with…

Posted in Concept Tutorials Programming

How to Get Started with Linux Using the Raspberry Pi

The best thing you can learn about Raspberry Pi is Linux. Not only because it is more powerful than commercial operating systems, but it is…

The Arduino Sketch Build Process - Featured
Posted in Arduino Concept Tutorials Programming

Understanding the Arduino Sketch Build Process

Ever wonder how an .ino file from the Arduino IDE finds its way to an Arduino microcontroller’s flash memory? In this tutorial, we will try…