Arduino TFT Bubble Welcome Screen 3.5

 The “Arduino TFT Bubble Welcome Screen 3.5” demonstrates the usage of a 3.5-inch TFT. Which is easy to understand and implement even for a beginner. It provides an introduction to programming with Arduino. A fascinating visual of a bubble animation.

The objective is to guide beginners through the process of setting up a TFT display with Arduino. By creating a simple yet appealing bubble animation and a welcome message. Participants will learn how to configure the Arduino board and connect the TFT display correctly. Ensuring that even those with minimal prior experience in coding can follow along and achieve rewarding results.

Projects like the “Arduino TFT Bubble Welcome Screen 3.5” are helping to bring transparency into the incomprehensible world of the hardware systems and networking logic. The realization that you can find your way within different components of hardware will boost the promotion of consistent learning and experimentation. Which are essential to success in tech and innovation.



Directly mount it onto the Arduino board. Making the connection process very straightforward.

  • Carefully align the pins on the TFT shield with the corresponding headers on the Arduino.
  • Once aligned, gently press the shield down onto the Arduino until it seats securely. Make sure all pins are correctly inserted into their respective headers without bending.

Additional Notes:

Download the library MCUFRIEND_kbv and install it manually. Insert it to the library Arduino ide.


The code is written to animate the bubbles on the TFT LCD screen. By using the Arduino platform as a controller. It begins by putting the display, wiping the screen and displaying “Welcome to CircuitRocks!” welcome message.

#include <UTFTGLUE.h>              // Use GLUE class and constructor
UTFTGLUE myGLCD(0,A2,A1,A3,A4,A0); // All dummy args for GLUE class

struct Bubble {
  int x, y, radius, growthRate;
  word color; // Store the 16-bit color directly

Bubble bubbles[10]; // Array to hold multiple bubbles

void setup() {


  myGLCD.clrScr(); // Clear the screen
  myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 255, 0); // Set background color to green
  myGLCD.fillScr(0, 255, 0); // Fill screen with green

  // Print the welcome message in the center of the screen
  myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 0); // Set text color to black
  myGLCD.print("Welcome to", CENTER, 220);
  myGLCD.print("CircuitRocks", CENTER, 250);

  initBubbles(); // Initialize bubbles with random values

void loop() {
  animateBubbles(); // Animate bubbles around the text
  delay(100); // Delay to control animation speed

void initBubbles() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    bubbles[i].x = random(20, 300);
    bubbles[i].y = random(20, 460);
    bubbles[i].radius = 0; // Start with zero radius
    bubbles[i].growthRate = random(1, 3); // Random growth rate
    bubbles[i].color = HSLtoRGB(random(0, 360), 1.0, 0.5); // Assign a random hue for rainbow colors

void animateBubbles() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // Erase the old bubble by redrawing it in the background color
    myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 0);
    myGLCD.fillCircle(bubbles[i].x, bubbles[i].y, bubbles[i].radius);

    // Update the bubble's radius
    bubbles[i].radius += bubbles[i].growthRate;
    if (bubbles[i].radius > 30) { // Reset bubble if it gets too big
      bubbles[i].x = random(20, 300);
      bubbles[i].y = random(20, 460);
      bubbles[i].radius = 0;
      bubbles[i].growthRate = random(1, 3);
      bubbles[i].color = HSLtoRGB(random(0, 360), 1.0, 0.5);

    // Draw the new bubble
    myGLCD.drawCircle(bubbles[i].x, bubbles[i].y, bubbles[i].radius);

// Function to convert HSL to RGB and then to 16-bit color
word HSLtoRGB(float h, float s, float l) {
  float r, g, b;

  float C = (1 - fabs(2 * l - 1)) * s;
  float X = C * (1 - fabs(fmod(h / 60.0, 2) - 1));
  float m = l - C / 2;

  if (h < 60) {
    r = C, g = X, b = 0;
  } else if (h < 120) {
    r = X, g = C, b = 0;
  } else if (h < 180) {
    r = 0, g = C, b = X;
  } else if (h < 240) {
    r = 0, g = X, b = C;
  } else if (h < 300) {
    r = X, g = 0, b = C;
  } else {
    r = C, g = 0, b = X;

  // Add m to match lightness
  r = (r + m) * 255;
  g = (g + m) * 255;
  b = (b + m) * 255;

  // Convert to 16-bit color
  return ((uint8_t)r >> 3) << 11 | ((uint8_t)g >> 2) << 5 | ((uint8_t)b >> 3);


  • Verify that the pin definitions and library configurations in your sketch match the hardware setup.
  • Look for any physical misalignments, bent pins, or other connection issues.
See also  6DOF Robot Arm


Github library