
Posted in Arduino Electronics Programming Project Guides

Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board – WAV/OGG Trigger with 2MB Flash

A great addition to any project is the presence of audio effects. One of the best ways to integrate sounds into a project is the…

Posted in Concept Tutorials Programming

Quick Start Guide to Using a Piezo Vibration Sensor

A simple yet has a wide variety of applications is the Piezo Vibration Sensor. Need to detect an impact? Use Piezo Vibration Sensor. Need to…

Posted in Arduino Electronics Programming

Getting Started With the OV7670 Camera for Arduino

One of the most exciting projects with an Arduino is giving the project its own eyes, so to speak. Adding a camera to an Arduino…

Posted in Arduino Electronics Programming

Burning Bootloader into Nano CH340

The bootloader is the program burned into an Arduino board and runs the moment the Arduino is powered on or when the reset button is…

Posted in Arduino Product Tutorials Programming

Programming the Nano CH340

One of the most affordable and compact microcontrollers available on the market is the Nano CH340, an Arduino compatible microcontroller board at an affordable price….

Posted in Arduino Electronic Modules Programming

LSM9DS0 As Impact Sensor

A recent project of ours involved using a sensor to detect when a small remote-controlled car hits an obstacle. What better sensor to use than…

Posted in Programming

Neural Networks: Deep Learning with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

So far, we only talked about individual cells. Today, we will stack them to create a neural network. In this tutorial, you will learn the…

Neural Networks Featured Image
Posted in Programming

Neural Networks: Creating a Perceptron Model in Python

In this tutorial, you will learn the fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning – the intuition behind artificial neurons, the standard perceptron model, and…

OpenCV Introduction
Posted in Programming Raspberry Pi

The Ultimate OpenCV with Raspberry Pi Tutorial

OpenCV is an instrumental library in real-time computer vision. Aside from its image processing functions, it is also open-source and free to use – a…

Posted in Programming Project Guides Raspberry Pi

Face Detection with OpenCV Deep Learning and Raspberry Pi

Exciting times ahead as software advancements let you implement computer vision applications on single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi. Today, we explore how computer vision…